Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Can We Really Share?

I rode my motorcycle the other day, and quickly realize that the area in which I live is already crowded. Time does fly, and it did the quiet and small suburbs into cramped polis filled with irregular buildings. I don't care about that, really. What I do care is how unregulated development and increase in personal disposable income make the small suburban roads even more cramped than before.

The Art of Spannering

I got a very long holidays when college days vanished. Finished, I should say. This leaves me with a total boredom to kill, and books with magazines aren't always the solution. Nor are TV stations, since they are quite literally repetitions of each other (save for Trans). The worst thing though, is that my dogs prefer not to bite me after I meddle with them. Mind you, I did not put powders of marijuana in their diet.

However, suddenly in that moment, I found something that needs heartful attention as well as massive time. It is my (dad's) 11-years-old bought-used dark-orange-coloured mountain bicycle. It had squatted down in the corner of the garage for some time, collecting dust and my dog's fur in its cassette. And when I put it out and took it for a ride, there were friction noises coming from the rear brake pads and the derailleur sets. It was quite diabolical to hear the sound of metal rubbing to each other.

Jalan Rusak Tanda Bangsa Juga Rusak

Samarinda merupakan satu kota yang selalu dihantui dua masalah, yaitu banjir dan jalan berlubang setelahnya. Kaitannya jelas, fondasi jalan yang rapuh, kemudian dihantam kendaraan (lebih tepatnya truk) kelebihan muatan, dan retakan yang terjadi diisi air curahan entah darimana. Akibatnya, hampir di semua jalan terdapat lubang-lubang.